This covered image shows a young mother or handicraft enthusiast dealing with the sublimation ink problem on a T-shirt.

How to Remove Sublimation Ink from Shirt

Written by Lindsey Roberts


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Reading time for 6 min

Sublimation printing is a technique used to imprint bright graphics on textiles such as shirts. Sublimation is the go-to method for creating print products in the print-on-demand world. You can use it to customize shirts, making it a creative and rewarding experience.

Various issues may, however, arise during sublimation printing. For instance, imagine you’ve just completed developing a sublimation masterpiece. You, then, notice that your personalized shirt has a disturbing ink stain that spoils your creation. Don’t panic, in this guide, we’ll unravel the mystery behind sublimation ink stains and provide you with the much-needed knowledge to salvage your wearable piece of art.

Why You Need to Remove Sublimation Ink from a Shirt?

You might need to remove the sublimation ink from a shirt if you encounter any of the following scenarios:

A printing mistake, including color error or misalignment.

Need to replace an old design with a new one.

If the print design has faded over time creating the desire to refresh the shirt.

If you are repurposing/reselling old shirts and you need to remove your custom designs.

Type of Shirts/Fabrics to Consider

Not all fabrics are equal, and understanding your shirt’s fabric is essential for stain removal. Some fabrics are delicate and prone to damage while others can withstand cleaning agents. In case you are unsure about the type of your fabric, check the label on your shirt. The small tag on your shirt holds important information on the fabric’s structure and care instructions.

One of the main factors you should check is whether the fabric is colorfast. If it is colorfast, it means that it won’t fade or bleed when subjected to cleaning solutions. You can conduct a quick colorfastness test on the unnoticeable part of your shirt by dabbing a small amount of any cleaning solution on an inside hem or seam. If the color remains intact, you’re good to go. If not, you should explore gentler cleaning methods.

Polyester and polyester-blend are the main fabrics used in sublimation. They are ideal due to the deep bonds between the ink and the fibers. Alongside sturdy cotton, these fabrics can withstand a robust cleaning approach. Other fabrics like silk may require a gentler touch.

How to Remove Sublimation Ink from Shirt

You need to act promptly to effectively remove sublimation ink. If you’re dealing with a fresh ink stain, take immediate action to stop it from setting. Remove the ink by gently blotting the affected parts with a clean towel, which absorbs any residual ink. This intervention eliminates stains on the fabric.

If your shirt is already stained, removing sublimation ink requires the right methods for your fabric and a lot of patience. Here are some DIY techniques you can try:

Method 1: Using Boiling Water

The boiling water technique is a simple, yet effective stain removal method. Boiling water loosens the sublimation ink from the fabric. Begin by preparing a large-sized pot of boiling water. Handle the boiling water with care to avoid injuries such as burns. Once the water boils, immerse the stained area in the boiling water and wash thoroughly. This action will disintegrate the ink, easing the ink removal process.

Continue by agitating the shirt using either tongs or a spoon to ensure that the hot water penetrates effectively. Gently stir the fabric to create a movement that encourages the boiled water to infiltrate the ink on the shirt, thereby breaking down the dye molecules. You will start to notice the sublimation ink fading. Continue with the agitation process until the ink is barely visible. Rinse the treated area until you achieve satisfactory results.

Method 2: Rubbing Alcohol

Using alcohol is one of the most efficient methods. Begin by applying a small amount of alcohol directly to the ink stain on your shirt. Dampen a sponge or cloth with rubbing alcohol. This cloth or sponge will act as the medium transferring the rubbing alcohol onto the sublimation ink stain. The rubbing alcohol acts as a potent solvent that dissolves the ink, easing the cleaning process.

After dampening the cloth/sponge, ensure that it is sufficiently wet but not dripping since excess alcohol can spread the ink stain. Using the cloth, gently rub or blob the affected area. Do this carefully to avoid further spreading the ink. The ink will slowly fade, after which you can now rinse and repeat the process until you achieve satisfactory results.

Method 3: Using Lemon Juice and Vinegar

You can use lemon juice and vinegar to quickly and easily remove sublimation ink. This method works effectively when the ink stain is still fresh. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Combine equal parts of lemon juice and white vinegar to generate a mixture.
  2. Pour the solution into a spray container.
  3. Shake properly to blend the mixture.
  4. Spray the solution directly onto the stain.
  5. To effectively dissolve the ink, allow the solution to sit on the stain for at least 5 minutes.
  6. When working with larger stains, you can use a brush or cloth as an alternative by dipping it into the solution and scrubbing the stain.
  7. Gently scrub the stain in a circular motion using a brush with soft bristles. Take caution as vigorous scrubbing can damage the fabric.
  8. As the stain fades off, rinse the affected area with water to remove the vinegar and any remaining ink.
  9. Repeat the process until the stain completely fades off.
  10. Wash the garment to remove any lingering vinegar solution and prevent any potential odor.

Method 4: Using Dishwashing Soap

Dishwashing soap is a quick and easy stain-removal technique. It is safe for delicate materials and effectively eliminates moderate-intensity stains. Follow the following steps to use this technique:

  1. Begin by filling a bowl with warm water and add a few drops of dishwashing soap.

  2. Immerse a clean towel in your warm soapy water and swap it to slowly scrub the ink until it fades away.

  3. Repeat the process to ensure complete removal of the stain.

  4. Rinse any residual soap from the fabric using clean water.

  5. Leave the garment to dry.

Medthod 5: The Bleach Method (White Shirts Only)

  1. Dilute the bleach following the instructions on the bleach packaging.

  2. Apply a small amount of the diluted bleach directly onto the stain.

  3. Allow the diluted bleach solution to sit on the stain for a few minutes. However, don’t leave it for too long to prevent potential fabric damage.

  4. Once the stain fades off, thoroughly rinse the shirt using cool water.

  5. Wash the shirt separately to eliminate any remaining bleach residue.

Method 6: Using a Dye Remover

You can use a dye remover solution such as Rit Color to fade the sublimation region. All you need to do is follow the instructions on the dye removal packet and wash the clothing after.

Method 7: Cover-Up

If you are working with a delicate fabric and the stain is limited to a small area, you can try concealing it with a patch or fabric paint. This method is viable since it hides the unwanted sublimation ink, saving it for later use.

Safety Measures and Precautions

Before removing sublimation ink you must make sure you’re safe because some of the chemicals you will be working with are corrosive. Use protective gear and ventilate the room to allow any dangerous fumes to flow out easily. 

Then, remember to test the technique on a small, inconspicuous part of the shirt to see how effective the method is. Testing on a small part will also keep the shirt safe just in case the ink removal technique ends up reacting unexpectedly with the garment.

Here is a breakdown of the steps you need to follow to ensure safety:

  1. Always protective gloves to protect your hands from the harsh cleaning agents.

  2. Use a mask to avoid inhaling any harmful fumes.

  3. Use protective eyewear to protect your eyes from potential splashes.

  4. Work in a well-ventilated area to avoid inhaling harmful fumes.

  5. Have a first-aid kit available for immediate response in case of any harm.


Removing sublimation ink from a shirt is a walk in the park with the right technique, and you’re in luck because the techniques we have listed here are the best. You can use them whether you’re correcting a mistake, updating the design, or repurposing a shirt. Just be patient and follow all the steps carefully.